Saidia Zaloski, Journalist
The Talking Heads may have suggested that you would find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife, where you may ask yourself “how did I get here?” One who is sleeping in their car may ask the same question.
Picture yourself standing at the edge of the Northern California coast. Those hard hills breaking blue mist above you as pacific blue reach towards your toes below. If you have a lust to see this world that cannot be quenched with online imagery and quirky travel shows then you will have to make sacrifices to find those golden hues.
Below you may read tips on how do so in your own grand way. Tips, gathered from our very own +5000km (+3107 mi) road trip from Vancouver Island, B.C to Los Angeles, CA and back.The idea is simple, and there are two basic elements: Location and Comfort. Aside from that, one could discuss further details like, security but I believe if your location is right, and your gut isn’t twisted, then you should be okay, maybe.
Find your location by looking for out-of-town dirt roads, or highway rest stops. My sense of security had me stay out of the city. If that’s your jam, then the only advice I have for you is something I collected from a “walk in a homeless man’s shoes” I partook in downtown Toronto, ON.“Don’t corner yourself in.” The further out of town, the better. Look for National/State/Provincial parks where you could park near and maybe find benefit in the day use washrooms. The majority of our trip was driving the coastal highway 101/1, in-between winding bends; there are plenty of wide shoulders/rest stops. Prime for a quick nap. Where do truckers sleep? If you have been on the road long enough, then you have seen these dudes parked up and down the sides of randoms roads. Do the same, if you dare- Caaaaaaandy Cane.
Comfort depends on your vehicle, the option to fold down seats and unroll a sleeping bag is prime- if that’s out of the question then get creative, maybe bring camping gear to keep your options open. Other essentials should involve toilet paper, wet naps, water (a lot), sleeping bags, garbage bag, flashlight, yoga mat and snacks.
Timing: explore and drive long hours, spend your days taking full advantage of what you have to discover. Find peace in later hours, when the rest of the world sleeps.
All in all, I believe that in order to see this world with insufficient funds is to sacrifice costs and catch some beauty. If sleeping in your car isn’t in your cards, try couchsurfing. Check references and experience destinations like the locals!
Below are some handy lists.
What to bring
- Water
- Food (Fruit, nuts, bread, lunch meat, cheese)
- Cooler
- Sleeping bag/ blankets (be temperature ready!)
- Battleship, cards, etc (WIFI isn’t everywhere.)
- Phone charger
- Backpack
- Extra Socks
- Toilet Paper/ Paper Towels
- Towel (pour vous)
- Garbage bag
- Yoga Mat (to sleep on)
- Lighter/ Newspaper (Start a campfire)
- Swiss Army Knife
- Flashlight